+92-42-35885065, +92-42-35882913, +92-42-35837080
Shahrah-e-Roomi (Ferozpur Road), Lahore 54000.
Total Degree Programs 1157
The Ali Institute of Education (AIE) was established in 1992 by a distinguished family trust, with the primary objective of providing effective teachers to the schools of Pakistan. The UNDP and SIDA (Sweden) also supported this endeavour initially, to improve the quality of education in our country. At the Ali Institute of Education we believe that teachers are agents of change and they can bring about a meaningful transformation to the education scenario of Pakistan. To develop teachers into their purported role, the AIE offers pre-service and in-service programmes.
Since 1992, the Ali Institute has grown in prestige and has developed a wider focus on improving the quality of education in Pakistan. At the Ali Institute, we believe that teachers are agents of change, able to transform education in Pakistan. To realise this vision, the Ali Institute offers programmes of study, short courses and workshops in initial teacher education and continuing professional development, consultancy and development services, promotes research, dialogue and advocacy, regularly publishes a research journal, and supports community links and outreach for the education community.
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